
Here are some of my game projects; CGS and GameCI are the two big ones.

Card Game Simulator


My current project! As owner of Finol Digital LLC, I have created an extensible system of categorizing cards and playing them in a virtual space. CGS is available on all mobile and desktop platforms! Please check out!




Continuous Integration for games! CI for Unity hasn’t been as easy as I would like, so I’ve been contributing to and am a maintainer for the GameCI project. I also wrote about it here.



Crucible is my first unreleased large-scale project. Originally titled “The Runners”, this passion project turned out to be a bit of a crucible for myself and the co-lead. As a mobile game, we developed a unique control system that allowed for stealth platforming using a combination of swiping on the screen. The AI for this game turned out to be the largest hurdle, as the core gameplay hinged on having enemy robots that were able to effectively traverse through 2D platforming in order to hunt down the player-character.


Global Game Jam 2019

As one of the two programmers on this two day Global Game Jam project, I coded how the player moved and interacted with obstacles in game. I also handled the basic animations of the moving characters, and worked with the artists to ensure the level was laid out how they envisioned.

Stop That Train!

As one of the two programmers on this two day VR Austin Game Jam, I focused on the debris pick-up mechanics. Microsoft’s MixedRealityToolkit/HoloToolkit documentation was a bit difficult to go through, so I think I would go with SteamVR in future VR projects.


Global Game Jam 2018

As one of the two programmers on this two day Global Game Jam project, I coded how the sound projectile moved and interacted with obstacles in game. I also handled the basic animations of the moving characters, and worked with the artists to ensure the level was laid out how they envisioned.

Romskip Saga

Windowsx64 Executable ZIP


This tale of space vikings comes from the final capstone course of the UT Game Development Program. In this project, I worked with the artists and other programmers to layout the 2D assets in-game, with appropriate mechanics. In particular, I developed all the AI for the enemies in the game. I also played a large role in defining the actions the player character could take, such as climbing over platforms, and jumping off cliffs.



At the Hoft Game Development Lab, I worked with fellow students to create FloodFlow. I was the only programmer on this project, so we made good use of Unreal Blueprints and their asset store. The challenge with this game was getting fun and realistic water movement mechanics, while keeping performance up.